
Criminal Justice Reform

In 2018, Stand Up for Ohio and our partners will redefine the criminal justice system by passing a ballot initiative that will reinvest millions of dollars from prisons to drug treatment and community-based recovery programs. We will organize across urban, suburban, and rural communities impacted by the War on Drugs, and we will expand the electorate to include more people of color, low income people, and young people directly impacted by a broken criminal justice system.

The constitutional amendment that our coalition is proposing to voters would do four things:

1. Reclassify drug possession felonies as misdemeanors, because people struggling with addiction need treatment, not prison. All current drug trafficking felonies would remain felonies. The amendment would allow the reclassification to be done retroactively.

2. Cut-off the probation-to-prison pipeline. The amendment would prohibit prison sentences as punishment for probation rule infractions that are not new crimes.

3. Incentivize personal rehabilitation in prison. The amendment would expand the ability of current inmates to earn reductions in their sentences by participating in rehabilitation programs and classes while in prison.

4. Invest savings in community health. The first three reforms will safely and significantly shrink the prison population. The amendment will then redirect the savings into local treatment and support programs for youths and adults.

Economic Justice in Ohio

Stand Up and our partners envision a long-term economic justice organizing campaign that puts families first and ensures good jobs for all Ohioans through a coordinated set of strategies over the next few electoral cycles.


Center for Community Change Action

The mission of CCCAction is to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better. Campaigns seek to empower the people most affected by injustice to lead movements to improve the policies that affect their lives, focusing on jobs and wages, retirement security, affordable housing, racial justice, and barriers to employment for returning citizens.

Communications Workers of America

CWA District 4 includes over 200 local unions representing workers in telecommunications, informational technology, publishing, print and electronic media, manufacturing, higher education, local government and health care.

United Food and Commercial Workers

UFCW Local 75 is a community-based union of 30,000 members working in supermarkets, drug stores, food processing and packing plants, and health care facilities in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. Union officials and members are dedicated to the growth and advancement of the labor movement, and the promotion and practice of union and political democracy in Ohio and across the nation.